

Mary Lyon


Vladimir Shumny


Neil Brockdorff
Suren Zakian


Tatyana Nesterova
Nina Mazurok
Natalya Matveeva
Galina Kiseleva Leonid Korochkin
Sergey Slobodyanyuk
Alexander Shilov
Yuri Lobkov
Nikolay Kolesnikov
Nikolay Rubtsov
Nadeshda Rubtsova
Marina Pavlova

International Symposium on X-chromosome Inactivation in Mammals

September 6-12, 1999

Novosibirsk, Russia

 Dear Friends and Colleagues:

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the International Symposium on X-chromosome Inactivation in mammals which will be held on September 6th to 12th 1999 in Akademgorodok at the Novosibirsk Scientific Centre, located 30 km from Novosibirsk. All activities will be hosted by the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Symposium will bring together experts in X-inactivation to discuss the exciting progress in this field. We are planning plenary, section and poster sessions. Invited contributors include Mary Lyon, Neil Brockdorff, John McCarrey, Nobuo Takagi, Phil Avner, Rudolph Jaenisch, Alan Ashworth, Graham Kay, Jeanne Lawrence, Huntington Willard and Jennifer Marshall Graves. We encourage you to participate in this program by contributing an oral or poster presentation.

The International Symposium on X-inactivation promises to be an stimulating event. We are looking forward to seeing you in Novosibirsk. If you are interested in participating in this Symposium, please return the completed reply form. You will receive the second announcement with further information about the scientific program, registration, hotel accommodation, cultural program and abstract forms. You can also obtain information about the Symposium at our WebSite on the Internet: http://xchrom.bionet.nsc.ru.

 Correspondence to: Dr Neil Brockdorff, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital,

Du Cane Road, London, W120NN, Tel; ++44 181 383 8298/8297,
Fax: ++44 181 383 8298/8303, E-mail: nbrockdo@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Dr Suren Zakian, Institute of Cytology & Genetics,

ac. Lavrentiev ave., 10, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Tel: + + 3832 333413, Fax: + + 3832 333179,

E-mail: zakian@bionet.nsc.ru