Author Archives: tokpan
A comparison of different cryoprotectant solutions and thawing methods for cryopreservation of embryos of mice and rats. T. N. Igonina, E. Yu. Brusentsev, I. N. Rozhkova, V. A. Naprimerov, S. Ya. Amstislavsky
Abstract: The proper choice of cryoprotectant and thawing method affects cryopreservation efficiency. A freezing-thawing method for sparing embryonic cells was evaluated in experiments with ICR mice. Cleavage-stage embryos of ICR mice, GC rats, and OXYS rats were collected on Day 3 …
Effects of growth factors during in vitro culture of mouse and rat embryos. E. Yu. Brusentsev, T. N. Igonina, I. N. Rozhkova, D. S. Ragaeva, S. Ya. Amstislavsky
Abstract: In vitro culture of preimplantation embryos of ICR, HT1AN/Icgn, HT1AC/Icgn and C57BL/6J-Ay mouse strains as well as in OXYS/Icgn rat strain in media containing granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been studied. Both mouse and …
Applying reproductive technologies and genome resource banking to laboratory animals. S. Ya. Amstislavsky, E. Yu. Brusentsev, T. O. Abramova, D. S. Ragaeva, I. N. Rozhkova, T. N. Igonina, E. A. Kizilova, V. A. Naprimerov, N. Yu. Feoktistoiva
Abstract: The Genome Resource Bank (GRB) is a repository of frozen biological material, including semen and embryos. Cryobanking is used in combination with modern reproductive technologies such as rederivation, in vitro culture and embryo transfer. Thirteen mouse and rat strains …
«The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity» (The 100th anniversary of the first publication of the book by the group of T.H. Morgan). E. B. Muzrukova
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first Morgan’s book, «The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity» in 1915. The book presented the program of Morgan’s genetic research. The necessity of this article stems from the fact that T.H. Morgan …
Defensive response to humans in farm-bred sables (Martes zibellina). E. G. Sergeev
Abstract: The formation of behavior type in the postnatal development of sables is studied insufficiently. Studies of this hot topic showed that the anthropogenic factor has a great influence on behavior formation in sables. Identification of other components that can …
Dynamics of the biodiversity of black and white cattle influenced by cross-breeding. N. A. Zinovieva, E. A. Gladyr, V. A. Bagirov, G. Brem
Abstract: The inter-breed crossing (crossbreeding) permits one to introduce new alleles, extend genetic diversity, and achieve desired phenotypic characteristics of initial breeds. On the other hand, crossbreeding may cause a decrease in genetic differentiation of indigenous breeds due to loss of the …
The ultradian rhythm of glucocorticoid secretion and the time course of target gene regulation. V. M. Merkulov, N. V. Klimova, T. I. Merkulova
Abstract: Glucocorticoid hormones (cortisol in humans and corticosterone in rodents) are secreted in discrete pulses during a day with a periodicityof approximately 1 h (ultradian rhythm), and this pattern is also maintained in plasma and extracellular fluid. However, the vast majority …
CAPS markers in plant biology. Y. N. Shavrukov
Abstract: Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) markers are applicable in a wide range of tasks in plant biology. They have been developed for plant genetics and breeding and become especially useful. This mini-review analyzes information about the application of CAPS markers within …
Genetic control of traits determining phosphorus uptake by rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.). J. K. Goncharova, E. M. Kharitonov
Abstract: The objectives of this research are: (1) to find genetic material associated with high growth rate and maximum size of root system, (2) to study polymorphism of rice varieties for markers connected with genes defining effective utilization of phosphorus, (3) to …
Development and evaluation of winter barley varieties for group resistance to smut diseases. I. B. Legkun
Abstract: The problem of the immunity of winter barley varieties to smut diseases is still urgent in the agricultural practice. The first varieties bred by PBGI – NCSCI (Ukraine) that possessed complex disease resistance to smut diseases were Zimovyi (2005), …