Author Archives: tokpan

Induction of tyrosine aminotransferase in mice is inhibited by activated metabolites of ortho- aminoazotoluene. V. I. Kaledin, S. I. Ilnitskaya, N. A. Popova, O. A. Koval, I. A. Pyshnaya, L. F. Gulyaeva

Abstract: Aminoazo dyes and other hepatocarcinogenic substances inhibit glucocorticoid-mediated induction of adaptive enzymes, including tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT), in mouse and rat liver. There is a specific relationship between the effect of a carcinogen on TAT induction and its liver carcinogenicity in …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Induction of tyrosine aminotransferase in mice is inhibited by activated metabolites of ortho- aminoazotoluene. V. I. Kaledin, S. I. Ilnitskaya, N. A. Popova, O. A. Koval, I. A. Pyshnaya, L. F. Gulyaeva отключены

Some limitations in the use of the mitochondrial DNA cytb gene as a molecular marker for phylogenetic and population genetic studies by the example of the Apodemus genus. A. G. Lapinski, M. V. Pavlenko, L. L. Solovenchuk, V. V. Gorbachev

Abstract: The interpretation of a signal sent by the mtDNA cytb gene as a molecular marker in phylogenetic and population genetic research can be complicated by cumulative influence of parallel mutations, i.e., the entropy of nucleotide sequences. Such a phenomenon impedes …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Some limitations in the use of the mitochondrial DNA cytb gene as a molecular marker for phylogenetic and population genetic studies by the example of the Apodemus genus. A. G. Lapinski, M. V. Pavlenko, L. L. Solovenchuk, V. V. Gorbachev отключены

The metabolomic approach to the assessment of cultivar specificity of Brassica napus L. seeds. G. N. Smolikova, A. L. Shavarda, I. V. Alekseichuk, V. V. Chantseva, S. S. Medvedev

Abstract: Recent biomolecular studies tend to involve combinations of different methods and approaches that allow analyzing organisms on the genomic and proteomic levels, as well as on the level of metabolomics. However, in order to justify the use of the metabolomics techniques …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи The metabolomic approach to the assessment of cultivar specificity of Brassica napus L. seeds. G. N. Smolikova, A. L. Shavarda, I. V. Alekseichuk, V. V. Chantseva, S. S. Medvedev отключены

Doubled haploid production in Brassica L. N. A. Shmykova, D. V. Shumilina, T. P. Suprunova

Abstract: Doubled haploids (DHs) production through androgenesis is a biotechnological method for genetic improvement of crops. Biotechnological DH line production offers advantages to plant breeders, including the possibility to obtain homozygous lines within a year in contrast to common inbreeding …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Doubled haploid production in Brassica L. N. A. Shmykova, D. V. Shumilina, T. P. Suprunova отключены

Apple gene pool use, sources and donors of economically valuable traits. E. N. Sedov

Abstract: The significance of an apple genetic collection and its use in the development of new adaptive apple cultivars meeting up-to-date requirements are investigated. Nevertheless, the genetic diversity of existing collections is shown to be still insufficiently used in breeding …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Apple gene pool use, sources and donors of economically valuable traits. E. N. Sedov отключены

Absence of genetic introgression between Elymus ciliaris and E. pendulinus (Triticeae: Poaceae) as shown by endosperm protein SDS-electrophoresis in connection with hypotheses of E. amurensis origin. A. V. Agafonov, E. V. Kobozeva, S. I. Tatkov

Abstract: The StY-genome group of Elymus species is of special interest, most of its species ranges extending to Russia from southern frontier territories, mainly from China. The ranges of Elymus pendulinus, E. ciliaris and E. amurensis within Russia overlap in the southern part …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Absence of genetic introgression between Elymus ciliaris and E. pendulinus (Triticeae: Poaceae) as shown by endosperm protein SDS-electrophoresis in connection with hypotheses of E. amurensis origin. A. V. Agafonov, E. V. Kobozeva, S. I. Tatkov отключены

Raise of short-stemmed vaviloid branched spike lines and their cytogenetics. A. J. Aliyeva, S. P. Mehdiyeva, R. K. Kerimova

Abstract: Hybridization between hexaploid species of wheat (Triticum L.) and triticale (Ч Triticosecale Wittm.) is used widely in genetic research and breeding when studying mutual introgressions of genetic material to original species. As far as the hexaploid triticale obtained in …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Raise of short-stemmed vaviloid branched spike lines and their cytogenetics. A. J. Aliyeva, S. P. Mehdiyeva, R. K. Kerimova отключены

Introgression of common wheat lines with genetic material of Agropyron glaucum. R. O. Davoyan, I. V. Bebyakina, E. R. Davoyan, A. N. Zinchenco, Y. S. Zubanova, D. S. Mikov

Abstract: Grey wheatgrass Agropyron glaucum (Desf. ex DC) Roem. & Schult is a valuable source of genes for resistance to diseases, frost resistance, and salt tolerance. An unstable 76-chromosomal amphidiploid combining genomes A and B of common wheat variety Avrora, six chromosomes …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Introgression of common wheat lines with genetic material of Agropyron glaucum. R. O. Davoyan, I. V. Bebyakina, E. R. Davoyan, A. N. Zinchenco, Y. S. Zubanova, D. S. Mikov отключены

Kazakhstan-Siberian spring common wheat identification according to glutenin and gliadin composition. A. I. Abugalieva, A. I. Morgunov, J. R. Pena, N. B. Volkovinskaya, T. V. Savin

Abstract: Within ten years, the Kazakhstan-Siberian nursery net for spring common wheat improvement (KASIB) working under the auspices of CIMMYT (Intenational Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) characterized accessions of five cultivar blocks with regard to the compositions of gliadin (1B/1R translocation), …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Kazakhstan-Siberian spring common wheat identification according to glutenin and gliadin composition. A. I. Abugalieva, A. I. Morgunov, J. R. Pena, N. B. Volkovinskaya, T. V. Savin отключены

The genetic control of the day- neutral habit in populations of Fragaria vesca (Rosaceae) in Western Siberia. S. O. Baturin

Abstract: In Western Siberia, intense flowering of Fragaria vesca occurs in the first ten days of June and fruiting takes place from the end of June till early July. During our expeditions investigating natural Fragaria vesca L. populations of Western …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи The genetic control of the day- neutral habit in populations of Fragaria vesca (Rosaceae) in Western Siberia. S. O. Baturin отключены