
2023 year

Rodnyy A.Ya.
PhD thesis
“The effect of the 5-HT7 receptor gene overexpression in the brain on the regulation of normal and depressive-like behavior and plasticity of the brain serotonin system”

Moskaliuk V.S.
PhD thesis
“The role of striatum-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase (STEP) in the regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression and behavior in tame and aggressive rats”

Grigorieva Yu.D.
Master’s degree “Transcription factor Cc2d1a/ Freud-1 in the regulation of depressive-like behavior in ASC (Antidepressant Sensitive Catalepsy) mice”

Oreshko A.S.
Master’s degree “The effect of the 5-HT7 receptor gene overexpression in the midbrain on the behavior and expression of the neurotrophic factor BDNF and its receptors during long-term alcoholization in mice”

Komarova A.A.
Bachelor’s degree “The utilization of amisulpride for treatment of tauopathy caused by overexpression of mutant [R406W] tau protein in mice”

Ustinova U.S.
Bachelor’s degree “The effect of long-term social isolation on behavior and the brain serotonin system in tumor necrosis factor gene knockout mice.”

Snisar V.S.
Bachelor’s degree “The effect of the serotonin 5-HT4 receptor on the accumulation and phosphorylation of Tau protein in vitro”

Radchenko N.S.
Bachelor’s degree “The effect of the 5-HT4 receptor knockdown in the hippocampus on the behavior of mice.”

Shcherbakova A.I.
Bachelor’s degree “Associative learning features in BTBR mice with autistic-like behavior”.

2022 year

Alsallum M.M.
Master’s degree “Involvement of the TrkB.T1 receptor in the mechanisms of genetically determined depressive behavior”

Milutinovich K.S.
Master’s degree “Investigation of the role of BDNF in the regulation of autism-like behavior in BTBR mice”

Nosalskaya Z.K.
Bachelor’s degree “Influence of physical exercises on the expression of the neurotrophic factor BDNF and on the behavior of BTBR mice – a genetic model of autism”

Skotnikova A.K.
Bachelor’s degree “Influence of Tnf gene knockout on the behavior and expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor during long-term administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide”

2021 year

Adonina S.N.
Diploma “Influence of a short daylight hours on the behavior and the brain serotonin system in mice different in predisposition to catalepsy”

Oreshko A.S.
Bachelor’s degree “Influence of the 5-HT7 receptor gene overexpression in the midbrain on the behavior and the brain serotonin system during prolonged alcoholization in mice”

2020 year
Eremin D.V.
Master’s thesis
“Influence of central administration of cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) on behavior and the brain serotonin system in mice”

2019 year

Pershina A.V.
Master’s thesis
“Tumor necrosis factor knockout effect in the regulation of sensitivity to a single injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide in mice: the role of the brain serotonin system”

Baraboshkina I.A.
Master’s thesis
“Effect of 5-HT7 receptor gene overexpression on behavior and brain serotonin system  in mice with genetic predisposition to depressive behavior”

2018 year
Kovetskaya A.I.
Master’s thesis
Bachelor’s degree diploma
“Effect of 5-HT7 receptor overexpression in the midbrain on the behavior and 5-HT7 and 5-HT1A receptors genes expression”

Eremin D.V.
Bachelor’s degree diploma
“Brain dopaminergic system in rats with genetically determined aggressive behavior or its absence”

2017 year
Ilchibaeva T.V.
PhD thesis
“Genetically determined aggressive behavior and brain neurotrophic factors”

Pershina A.V. 
Bachelor’s degree diploma
“The effect of the tumor necrosis factor gene knockout on the mechanisms of sensitivity to acute stress in mice: the role of the brain serotonin system

Baraboshkina I.A. 
Bachelor’s degree diploma
“The effect of the tumor necrosis factor gene knockout on the brain serotonin system in mice

2016 year
Kovetskaya A.I.
Bachelor’s degree diploma
“Effect of 5-HT7 receptor overexpression in the mouse hippocampus on the behavior and brain serotonin system genes mRNA level”

Filimonova E.A.
“Effect of chronic 5-HT2A receptors activation in mice on the behavior and expression of genes encoding brain-derived neurotrophic facto and its receptors in the brain”

2015 year
Kulikova E.A.
PhD thesis
“The effect of psychotropic drug TC-2153 on the behavior and expression of the genes of serotonin system and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor in mice genetically predisposed to neuropathology”

2013 year
Tsybko A.S.
PhD thesis
“Serotonin 5-HT2A receptors in the mechanisms of autoregulation and plasticity of the brain serotonin (5-HT) system: functional interactions with key genes of the 5-HT system and neurotrophic factors”

Bazhenova E.Y.
PhD thesis
“The effect of acute stress and lipopolysaccharide on the brain serotonin system and on behavior in mice differed in predisposition to hereditary catalepsy”

Ilchibaeva T.V.
Master’s thesis
“The effect of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor on the exchange of serotonin and on the expression of key genes of the brain serotonin system”

Fursenko D.V.
“Comparison of the ability to learn in Morris water maze in mice differed in genetic predisposition to catalepsy”

2012 year
Naumenko V.S.
Dr.Sc. thesis
“Serotonin receptors and functional receptor interactions in mechanisms of the brain serotonin system plasticity, thermoregulation and in the regulation of behavior”

Morozova M.V.
PhD thesis
“The influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on epigenetically and genetically determined behavioral disorders”

Belousova I.I.
PhD thesis
“Age peculiarities of neurohormonal and neurochemical regulation of the reproductive function in male rats with a different rate of aging”

Sinyakova N.A.
PhD thesis
“Expression of the Il6st gene and the role of gp130 protein in mice with hereditary catalepsy”

Kulikova E.A.
“The effect of the new psychotropic drug 8- (trifluoromethyl) -1,2,3,4,5-benzopentatiepin-6-amine (TC-2153) on the behavior and on the expression of key genes of the serotonin system in the brain of ASC mice (Antidepressant Sensitive Catalepsy)”

2011 год
Lichman (Osipova) D.V.
PhD thesis
“Association between Tph2 gene polymorphism C1473G, brain tryptophan hydroxylase activity and behavior in mice”.