Category Archives: QTL
QTL F2 (ISIAHxWAG) 6 месяцев
QTL analysis of the 6-month old F2 (ISIAH x WAG) male group. Logarithm of odds (LOD) plots of genome scan for blood pressure and related traits. The X-axis indicates the chromosome number. The dotted line indicates the experimentwise threshold (p=0.05), … Continue reading
Маркеры QTL F2 6 месяца
Polymorphic microsatellite markers used in the QTL analysis performed on 6-month old F2 hybrid males (n=126) derived from a cross of ISIAH and WAG rats (total 149 markers). Position of markers is given in megabases (Mb) according to RGSC Genome … Continue reading
Маркеры QTL F2 3 месяца
Polymorphic microsatellite markers used in the QTL analysis performed on 3-4-month old F2 hybrid males (n=103) derived from a cross of ISIAH and WAG rats (total 145 markers). Position of markers is given in megabases (Mb) according to RGSC Genome … Continue reading